Meeting at the halfway point of the research project

Our research team is holding a meeting at the College on the afternoon of 8th September. The main topics will be the mid-term report, evaluation of the work done so far, organisation of the international project and planning for further research work in the HAS-AVCC project.

Creating and accessing the Learning Cards via the mobile app

Almost thirty teachers and many students are involved in creating our flashcard arsenal. Judit Pap coordinates the process, during which the cards go through several proofreading sessions and are then given a graphic design. Thanks to the creative team, and to the students of the Budapest University of Technology, who, under the guidance of Dr. Bertalan Forstner, created an interface for editing the cards and then adapted them to a fully functional mobile application.

The link to the School Card Makers’ website is still up and running, and you can still download the cards in pdf format: If you want to make your own cards, please contact The mobile app is still available for download on Google Play: Tanulókártyák – Tanulási Környezet Kutatócsoport

We won an Erasmus+ grant!

Our research group’s “Cognitive coaching for needs-based pedagogies in teacher training” (COGNI-TEaCH) no. 2023-1-HU01-KA220-HED-000159529 Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnerships in Higher Education (KA220-HED) application has been accepted based on the evaluation of independent experts and it is supported by the Tempus Public Foundation. Now, our work on changing the learning environment can be extended to an international audience.

Preparation for the methodological developments of the second year

The first development year of the research program ended on June 20, 2023. Teachers of the schools involved in the development prepared a written report on the experiences of this phase, as well as photo and video documentation.

Based on the feedback, the research group developed additional methodological units and prepared a correlation table of the methodological units and the capabilities these methods develop. On the preparation day held on June 27, 2023, teachers got acquainted with the new possibilities, and we reviewed, and analysed the old and new methodological units using the correlation table. Teachers chose from the offered methods for their students entering the second grade for the next school year.

In summary: in the fall of 2023, development will continue in 20 classes of 18 schools to create a supportive learning environment.

Study trip to Vienna

On June 22, 2023, we visited Vienna with our teacher group at the invitation of the Technische Universität Wien, where we got acquainted with a special project – Innovationslabor für Bildungsräume in bewegung (BiB Lab). In free translation: Innovation laboratory for educational spaces in motion.

Karin Harather, Ass. Prof. Mag. art. Dr phil. project leader welcomed and guided us. All three workshops operate in a housing estate environment, one of which was set up in an bus. Thus, throughout the summer, it offers programs for children at various points in the housing estate.

At the heart of the project is the creative use of space, which is suitable for learning, exercise and relaxation, and in the design and planning of which the requests and ideas of users, children, and teachers were included.

In the afternoon, we visited an international school, which had considered the users’ needs during its construction. Among the members of the research group, Dalma Dani-Ördög organized and led the study trip, teachers from 8 schools participating in the research joined the program.

Mondrian Blocks – cognitive foundation at the time of starting school – conference presentation

On June 15, 2023, we gave a presentation at the 6th Art Pedagogy Conference entitled “The power of art – expression, creation, healing, cognitive and emotional development”. The performance took place in the Vigadó building. The authors: Éva Gyarmathy, Kristóf Fenyvesi, Imre Kökényesi, Zsolt Lavicza, Judit Pap, Mónika Turmezei. The Mondrian Blocks cognitive training methodology presented by the research group aroused great interest. Several people tried the game version of the method.

Our fellow researcher, Mór Antal Szűcs, defended his doctoral dissertation

Mór Antal Szűcs won a doctorate with his doctoral thesis entitled “The effect of the ‘Mesezene’ (Fairy-tale Music) method on phonological awareness and rapid automated naming”, defended before the Doctoral Committee for Educational Sciences of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of ELTE. The method is part of our research package, which teachers could familiarize themselves with and choose.

Dr Szűcs continues his research, examines the impact of the method, as well as the possibilities of incorporating it into teaching.


Exchange Meeting on Mondrian Blocks

时间:3月24日19:30-21:30(北京时间)Time:March 24th, 13:30-15:30(EU time)

中方与会人员:4位小朋友、教师 Chinese participants: 4 students, and teachers


1位一线教师 EU participants: Laszlo Mero, Imre Kokenyesi, Eva Gyarmathy, Kristof Fenyvesi, and a practicing teacher

We held an online meeting with Chinese partners regarding one of our most successful methodological units.

After the introductions, Chinese children asked questions, and our team answered them. A Chinese teacher introduced her understanding of Mondrian Blocks and briefly displayed the curriculum and materials they developed from Mondrian Blocks. Another Chinese teacher talked about the problems they encountered during the research process, and the EU side gave them some ideas.

EU side explained their study and experience in applying the Mondrian block in teaching. Bori Herczeg a practicing Hungarian teacher talked about her experiences and methods. After the discussing methodology, EU participants were asked to give some suggestions to the Chinese side, which would trigger students to conduct independent inquiry. At the end of the meeting, participants explored long-term exchange options.

Our international project – COGNI-TEaCH

Following our HAS-AVCC research, we are applying for support for the international dissemination and continuation of our work. Our COGNI-TEaCH project aims the digital curriculum development for higher education and targets the higher education priority of “stimulating innovative learning and teaching practices”. In order to fulfil this priority, we provide teachers with data-based teaching. Innovative, unique content prevails in our project, i.e. the cognitive, emotional and social development of learning. We provide the methodological material in digitized form and transmit it online. The online, open-access curriculum provides future and practicing teachers with effective skills, tools and pedagogical methodologies to develop the cognitive, emotional and social competences of primary school children.

Stage 1 of the methodological development has been completed

Methodological units developed by the HAS-AVCC Learning Environment Research Group are being tested in 21 classes of 20 schools, the first development phase of which was completed on January 31, 2023. The teachers summarized their experiences for each methodological unit based on a pre-specified system of criteria, enriched with photos and video recordings. HAS-AVCC Learning Environment Research Group developed 17 development materials, from which teachers could freely choose 3-6 units. Thus, the 36 innovative teachers tried a total of 140 methodological units in the first development phase. Among them, Relaxing motor exercises (14 classes), using Mondrian blocks (12 classes) and Poems with movements (11 classes) were the most popular. Teachers’ feedback has been processed. On March 29, 2023, we held an online consultation with the teachers involved in the development about the experiences of the trial.