Category Archives: News

Initial findings from measurements of second grade children

The evaluation of the second-grade children involved in the research project is approaching completion. Our observations indicate a significant reduction in technical issues, with teachers being better equipped with necessary tools, such as tablets and touchscreen laptops, which were readily available. The children also demonstrated increased maturity and capability to engage in the tests. Nevertheless, there was a decline in the number of classes participating in the second test. Specifically, 737 children were tested, compared to 1,050 children in the initial evaluation. Despite this reduction, the dataset remains sufficient for statistical analysis.

Testing of second graders

The second testing of the classes participating in the research will take place in May and June. Nearly a thousand children in second grade will complete tasks similar to those in first grade on a tablet or touchscreen laptop with the help of their teacher. In late April, teachers received online training to refresh their knowledge on how to use the test.

The Sensory Motor and Cognitive Profile Test for young children worked excellently in the first-grade assessments. Now, children in second grade are given tasks relevant to their age and tasks that measure their level of school readiness in numeracy and literacy. In addition, Quatro Blocks as a test is making its debut.

Well-being and autonomy – data-driven decision-making

On 25 April, as a session of the 10th Christian Education Conference at the Apor Vilmos Catholic College, we held an interactive research workshop entitled “The Angelic Circle of Autonomy and Well-being”. Judit Gombás, Éva Gyarmathy and Mónika Turmezei presented the results of their research to date, and a very useful discussion ensued. The main topics were:

  • The interaction between well-being and autonomy
  • Shaping data-driven learning environments – profile studies
  • Methodological developments
  • Experiences of introducing methodological improvements – case studies
  • Teachers’ mental health survey results

Questions and suggestions from conference participants will help to process research data and progress with the research. We received a lot of confirmation of the importance of the topic. Teachers’ professional autonomy is a fundamental need in the face of 21st century challenges.

Interviews with school-leaders

The school component of the project will conclude on June 15, 2024. Prior to the end of this research phase, and as part of the broader learning environment assessment, we aimed to gather the experiences and perspectives of school administrators and headteachers involved in the development activities. To achieve this, we conducted brief professional interviews with representatives from the school-district principals and headteachers from the participating schools. These interviews focused on eliciting the headteachers’ knowledge and opinions about the research, as well as their insights into various other aspects of the project.

Doctoral Students Meeting

With the professional support of the MTA-AVKF Research Group, a Doctoral Meeting entitled “Methods, Measurements, Dilemmas” was organized at the Apor Vilmos Catholic College. The aim of the conference, which will be held annually from now on, is to provide information, experiences, opportunities for contest, and networking for young people participating in doctoral work or intending to start in this direction.

The online Quatro Blocks cognitive training undergoes further testing

In the fall, experiment schools tested the online training based on the Mondrian Blocks game for the first time. Following the feedback of teachers, improvements were made to fix the errors, and now in February, children can play the puzzle game. Feedback indicates that the only issue remaining is that among the mobile devices available in schools, there are several very old types on which the program cannot run.

Meeting at the halfway point of the research project

Our research team is holding a meeting at the College on the afternoon of 8th September. The main topics will be the mid-term report, evaluation of the work done so far, organisation of the international project and planning for further research work in the HAS-AVCC project.

Creating and accessing the Learning Cards via the mobile app

Almost thirty teachers and many students are involved in creating our flashcard arsenal. Judit Pap coordinates the process, during which the cards go through several proofreading sessions and are then given a graphic design. Thanks to the creative team, and to the students of the Budapest University of Technology, who, under the guidance of Dr. Bertalan Forstner, created an interface for editing the cards and then adapted them to a fully functional mobile application.

The link to the School Card Makers’ website is still up and running, and you can still download the cards in pdf format: If you want to make your own cards, please contact The mobile app is still available for download on Google Play: Tanulókártyák – Tanulási Környezet Kutatócsoport

We won an Erasmus+ grant!

Our research group’s “Cognitive coaching for needs-based pedagogies in teacher training” (COGNI-TEaCH) no. 2023-1-HU01-KA220-HED-000159529 Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnerships in Higher Education (KA220-HED) application has been accepted based on the evaluation of independent experts and it is supported by the Tempus Public Foundation. Now, our work on changing the learning environment can be extended to an international audience.

Preparation for the methodological developments of the second year

The first development year of the research program ended on June 20, 2023. Teachers of the schools involved in the development prepared a written report on the experiences of this phase, as well as photo and video documentation.

Based on the feedback, the research group developed additional methodological units and prepared a correlation table of the methodological units and the capabilities these methods develop. On the preparation day held on June 27, 2023, teachers got acquainted with the new possibilities, and we reviewed, and analysed the old and new methodological units using the correlation table. Teachers chose from the offered methods for their students entering the second grade for the next school year.

In summary: in the fall of 2023, development will continue in 20 classes of 18 schools to create a supportive learning environment.