Category Archives: News

Continuing our research and development work – we’re looking for people

We are looking for competent students, teachers and professionals interested in research and development work for the new research project that will evolve from the MTA-AVKF research project.

We start in three areas:

  1. Development and implementation of protocols for managing behavioural problems and conflicts in nursery and pre-school settings.
  2. Participation in the process of experimental nursery education, monitoring, documentation, correction – Tatabánya site.
  3. Development of test material for hand and finger movements – sorting the visual material into a sequence of difficulty and creating test material, evaluation of the impact of the development.

The research tasks are suitable starting for diploma, TDK theses, and doctoral theses

Further information and application:

One of our submitted articles has been reviewed

After a year and a half of waiting, our article “School-entry Sensorimotor and Cognitive Profile and Success in Mathematics”, which we submitted to the International Journal of Early Years Education, has been reviewed.

The reviewers pointed out several improvements and additions. We have started to revise the paper for publication as soon as possible.

Data processing

In the final year of the research, our main task is to process the data and publish the results. The first processing of the data will focus on the development of the baseline score of the Cognitive Profile Test. With the addition of the measurement of background sensorimotor function, the test is also suitable for pre-school children.

Scientific conference presentations

We have prepared two scientific presentations for the 24th National Conference on Educational Science in Hungary, University of Debrecen.

Györgyi Elekes, Judit Gombás, Bernadett Svraka and Éva Gyarmathy (2024). The health dimension and mental well-being among Hungarian teachers. 24th National Conference on Educational Sciences, “Instruction and education in the service of societal welfare.
Challenges of education and instruction in the age of crises.” Book of Abstracts p. 275
, 24-26 October.

Judit Gombás, Györgyi Elekes and Éva Gyarmathy (2024). Characteristics of innovative teachers. 24th National Conference on Educational Sciences, “Instruction and education in the service of societal welfare. Challenges of education and instruction in the age of crises.” Book of Abstracts p. 299, 24-26 October.

Link to the Book of Abstracts:

Summary of our research results

The programme part of our research has been completed. The final year will be devoted to processing and publishing the results. We have compiled a summary of the test data from the follow-up of the first and second grade children and their teachers. It is available here (KutatasiAnyag_EN.pdf)

We welcome applications from researchers or students who would like to work with the data collected during the research.

Using our research data, a Scientific Student Conference thesis won second place

Gergely Füstös, “CHC model based sub-skill estimation with artificial intelligence” was awarded second place at the Scientific Student Conference of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of the Budapest University of Technology. Besides, this work is a great help for us, similarly to the contribution of other students to our research. Congratulation.

The thesis can be read and downloaded here.

Our research data have been utilized to produce excellent theses

Students from the psychology program at ELTE are examining the measurement data obtained using the Sensorimotor and Cognitive Profile Test applied in our research project. Two theses have been completed on this topic:

  • Evelin Haász: The relationship between cognitive and sensorimotor abilities and school performance among first-grade students – the thesis can be read here.
  • Hanga Kiss: The relationship between working memory, fluid intelligence, and phonemic awareness and first-grade school performance – the thesis can be read here.

Conclusion of School-Based Research Activities

At the closure of the school-based component of the research project, the rector of the college, Zoltán Gloviczki, and the project leader, Éva Gyarmathy awarded the Innovative Teacher and Innovative Leader certificates to the participating teachers, and the principals. The final meeting included our presentation of the work completed and the results achieved to date.

Focus groups

One of the primary objectives of our research project is to assess the attitudes of teachers instructing first-grade students toward the transformation of the learning environment, to examine the impact of the methodological intervention, and to evaluate the innovativeness of the teachers. To conclude the school-based methodological component of the project, we organized focus groups within workshop settings. In these workshops, we questioned teachers on three main topics: innovation, methodology, and data-driven decision making.