
Exchange Meeting on Mondrian Blocks

时间:3月24日19:30-21:30(北京时间)Time:March 24th, 13:30-15:30(EU time)

中方与会人员:4位小朋友、教师 Chinese participants: 4 students, and teachers


1位一线教师 EU participants: Laszlo Mero, Imre Kokenyesi, Eva Gyarmathy, Kristof Fenyvesi, and a practicing teacher

We held an online meeting with Chinese partners regarding one of our most successful methodological units.

After the introductions, Chinese children asked questions, and our team answered them. A Chinese teacher introduced her understanding of Mondrian Blocks and briefly displayed the curriculum and materials they developed from Mondrian Blocks. Another Chinese teacher talked about the problems they encountered during the research process, and the EU side gave them some ideas.

EU side explained their study and experience in applying the Mondrian block in teaching. Bori Herczeg a practicing Hungarian teacher talked about her experiences and methods. After the discussing methodology, EU participants were asked to give some suggestions to the Chinese side, which would trigger students to conduct independent inquiry. At the end of the meeting, participants explored long-term exchange options.