Methodological units developed by the HAS-AVCC Learning Environment Research Group are being tested in 21 classes of 20 schools, the first development phase of which was completed on January 31, 2023. The teachers summarized their experiences for each methodological unit based on a pre-specified system of criteria, enriched with photos and video recordings. HAS-AVCC Learning Environment Research Group developed 17 development materials, from which teachers could freely choose 3-6 units. Thus, the 36 innovative teachers tried a total of 140 methodological units in the first development phase. Among them, Relaxing motor exercises (14 classes), using Mondrian blocks (12 classes) and Poems with movements (11 classes) were the most popular. Teachers’ feedback has been processed. On March 29, 2023, we held an online consultation with the teachers involved in the development about the experiences of the trial.