
Leader of the reaserch group: Prof. Dr. Gyarmathy Éva, professor at the Apor Vilmos Catholic College

Members of the research group:

Dr. Szűcs Antal Mór speech and language therapist teacher – PhD in August 2023 on the topic of our research project

Dr. Forstner Bertalan – associate professor, Department of Automation and Applied Informatics, Budapest University of Technology

Szabó Zénó – IT teacher, doctoral student at the ELTE PPK, Doctoral School of Education

Prof. Dr. Tamáska Máté – professor, and vice-chancellor at the Apor Vilmos Catholic College

Ritter Dániel – doctoral student at the Budapest University of Technology, Doctoral School of Architecture

Pap Judit, teacher, project coordinator

Turmezei Mónika, teacher, research assistant

Internal researchers

Dr. Gombás Judit, psychologist, college teacher

Dr. Elekes Györgyi sociologist, college teacher

Sipos Zsókaspecial needs teacher, doctoral student

Bénikné Dézsi Bernadett methodology teacher trainer

Specialised researchers

Dr. Bihary Sarolta architect, visual communication teacher

Micskei Bernadett architect

Kökényesi Imre games developer

Dani-Ördög Dalma teacher, doctoral student

Illés Kádek Kata teacher, doctoral student

Number of PhD students involved in the research team: 5

Szabó Zénó, Ritter Dániel, Sipos Zsóka, Dani-Ördögh Dalma, Illés Kádek Kata

Personal introduction:

Prof. Dr. Eva Gyarmathy is a professor at the Apor Vilmos Catholic College and a Senior Researcher at the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology. Her research interests focus on the challenges and educational needs of the 21st century, including special learning disabilities, ADHD, and/or autism spectrum disorders and talent development. She is a lecturer at several universities. As a psychotherapist, her activity directs toward the care of the profoundly gifted and multiple exceptional talents. She founded the Atypical Development Methodology Centre, the Adolescent and Adult Dyslexia Centre, and the Special Need Talent Support Council.


Research Group members

Prof. Dr. Máté Tamáska, sociologist, architectural sociologist, university professor and academic vice-chancellor at the Apor Vilmos Catholic University (AVKF). In addition, he is a lecturer and supervisor of the Doctoral School of History and Ethnography of the University of Debrecen, and head of the spatial pedagogy research workshop of the AVKF. His main field of research is the sociology of architecture, with particular emphasis on the identity-shaping power of architecture, and the spaces of early childhood, above all, school architecture. His research focuses primarily on the symbolic messages of school buildings. The basic question is, what social messages does the school building convey to the outside urban space, and how does it assign social roles to the inside?


Dr Bertalan Forstner is an associate professor at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Automation and Applied Informatics. He received his PhD degree in 2008. He worked as a software developer since 1999. He has been leading mobile research activities in the department since 2002. He participated in the introduction of mobile device programming into academic education and elaborated on numerous related courses. He is also a regular organizer and speaker of Hungarian mobile technology-related conferences. Microsoft Junior Researcher-, IBM Faculty Award-, STEM- and HTE-awarded researcher, obtained the ICT Professor of the Year Award in 2013. The number of his publications exceeds 100, they are to be found in conference proceedings, international journals, books etc. He is a regular coordinator and manager of Hungarian and international projects. His current research interests include mobile software development, biofeedback-based systems, wearables and IoT.


Mór Antal Szűcs, speech therapist, special education teacher, music therapist, and assistant at the Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education at Eötvös Loránd University. As a university lecturer, his main topic is speech fluency and written language disorders. He is a doctoral student at ELTE’s Doctoral School of Education. His focus is on the development of preschool children’s phonological awareness and he investigates the effect of his 21st-century-oriented, motivational method on reading skills. As a music therapist, he is the founder and vice president of the Collective Alternative Music Workshop.


Zénó Szabó is a programmer, computer science, and economics teacher. He graduated from the ELTE Doctoral School of Education. He is a programmer and lecturer at Eötvös Loránd University. Managing Director of Contenet Ltd. His main research interests are the identification of learning difficulties using IT tools and the online implementation of the Cognitive Profile Test.


Dániel Ritter is an architect and a former student of the BME Doctoral School of Architecture. In recent years, he has participated as a designer in international projects such as the New National Gallery in Városliget and the New Transportation Museum. In his doctoral research, he is looking for the answer to whether the classroom schemes developed decades ago have a right to exist in today’s education as spaces of an open and fresh pedagogical approach.


Judit Pap is a teacher and educational expert. She is the Professional coordinator of the Methodological Centre for Atypical Development at the Apor Vilmos Catholic College, and a teacher of methodological workshops. Her main activities include preparing the professional content of training courses on atypical development, the preparation of the administration of the establishment and initiating and organizing training courses, and implementing professional projects and tenders.


Mónika Turmezei is a history teacher, and a qualified teacher in the field of talent care and talent development, child psychodramatist, and mediator. Trainer of the National Talent Center, an employee of Csörögi Tanoda. Her main field is the development of the school support system: talent management, atypical development, and bullying. Activities: talent management, teacher training; children’s drama, talent management, board game, competence development sessions; bullying prevention and treatment, as well as restorative approach and methodology training; consulting, training, and content development.


Dr Judit Gombás is a psychologist and college teacher. He is the head of the Department of Psychology and Physical Education at Apor Vilmos Catholic College and a lecturer at the Franz Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest. She mainly teaches psychological subjects related to teacher training and conducts teacher research. She regularly works with practising teachers from the most diverse areas of public education and art education and is committed to supporting the mental health and well-being of teachers. Her field of research is the monitoring of teachers, their development and the examination of their psychological and mental health.


Dr Györgyi Elekes college professor, sociologist, historian and secondary school teacher. Head of MA Mental Health in Relations and Community Development Program at the Apor Vilmos Catholic College. Lecturer at the Institute of Communication and Media Studies at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University. She received her PhD degree from the Doctoral School of Social Communication at the Corvinus University of Budapest. She worked for several years in the Presence Programme of the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service. Her main research interests include the pedagogy of disadvantaged children, community social work, community development, sociology of education, Roma studies and social communication.


Imre Kökényesi is a game developer working at Smart Egg PTE Ltd. For ten years, he has been involved in designing and developing logic board games and puzzles. Three of these years at Rubik Brand Licensing Ltd. He is working in the development of methods based on different games to measure and develop children’s cognitive abilities.


Bénikné Dézsi Bernadett is a singer and music teacher. She is a methodology teacher at the Apor Vilmos Catholic College. Her teaching activities cover the areas of voice training, speech technique, vocal music and methodology, as well as the use of art in development.


Detti Micskei graduated as an architect from the Faculty of Architecture at the Technical University of Budapest in 2008. Her method, of visualizing the alphabet was created to answer her children’s questions, in 2021. In this gap-filling method, the pictures next to the letters have the same initial sound and shape. The method supports learning by adapting to the changing abilities of today’s children.


Zsóka Sipos is a certified speech and language therapist at the Metropolitan Specialist Pedagogical Service and an assistant professor at the Apor Vilmos Catholic College. Since 2014 she has been one of the professional coordinators of the Meixner Foundation. She holds a PhD in Education from the Szeged Doctoral School of Education. Her main research interests are fluent reading and the development and improvement of poor reading skills. In addition to writing traditional task collections, she has participated in several projects for the development of digital learning materials.


Dr. Sarolta Bihary, architect, interior designer, teacher of visual and environmental culture, head of the interior design department of Krea Design School.

In her teaching work, she is interested in developing learning/teaching methods that promote the effectiveness of the built environment, as well as the impact of spatial situations on people and human relationships. Her research focuses on the relational characteristics of places, while as a designer she works primarily on cultural projects.
Her research is concerned with helping educators to express themselves visually in space.


Dalma Dani-Ördög is a qualified social pedagogue, teacher, nature and drama teacher and Waldorf teacher. She researches the revitalisation of peasant working culture in lower primary education. She is a PhD student in the Cultural Anthropology sub-programme of the University of Debrecen. For the last two years she has been involved in the AVKF workshop on spatial pedagogy and has been supervising the design of the tank garden of the Apor Vilmos Catholic College. She is a mentor teacher and curriculum developer at the Gyermekliget Alternative School in Kecskemét. Her main areas of interest are the development of the pedagogical programme of the school garden, the possibilities of outdoor education, and the peasant work culture as a preventive and developmental tool in primary education. Developer of methodological units related to the organisation of space in research.


Katalin Illés Kádek, teacher, sociologist, certified consultant in the field of atypical development, graduate student of the Doctoral School of History of Pázmány Péter Catholic University. Her areas of interest are the historical transformation and modern rethinking of pedagogical spaces, the promotion of flexible learning environments, and the integration of active learning and outdoor classes in the general education curriculum.

She started her career as a tutor at the University College of Utrecht, where she helped talented young people to adapt to higher education. Later, she taught Applied Humanities at the Győr Teacher Training College in the context of Biosphere Studies. Currently, she is a teacher at the Esztergomi Street Branch of the Pólya György Primary School in Tatabánya, which institution integrates young children with autism diagnosis as well, teaching them inclusively. In addition, as an experienced professional, she regularly gives teacher training courses and parent meetings on hyperactivity, super-sensitivity and attention focus issues. She is a developer of methodological units related to the organisation of space in our research.
